“Those who trade freedom for security, lose both !!!”
The Internet has evolved, on its own volition, to become a true bastion of worldwide democracy. Governments MUST NOT stand in its way!
God told StrongMind: "You are too good for the Heaven and too bad for the Hell... I sentence you to feel like a God of CyberWorld but live like human on the Earth!!! "StrongMind told God: "You are God only when someone remember that. People is not ethernal, but memory in heart lives forever. Thank you God! To be a human is more than to be God."

Download Curriculum Vitae of StrongMind (.doc format)
About the StrongMind

- danieldenev
- Veliko Tarnovo, VT, Bulgaria
- Summary: The President of PhotonSoft Ltd. Ex-military intelligence officer from Bulgarian army (radio-systems). Strong programmer/analyst with 10+ years professional software projects experience. Ability to adapt quickly in a team, learn and implement a variety of programming languages and environments. Ready to be a team and project leader and good partner in business, science and politics. Download Curriculum Vitae of StrongMind (.doc format) http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cdpnetsec/curriculumvitae2008Engl.rar
Strong Mind: business card
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Да отидеш на интервю без да си намислил какво ще отговориш, е голяма грешка, защото дори малкото запъване за размисъл може да ви постави в конфузно положение. От огромно значение е как казвате нещата, интонация, жестове... ! Винаги се аргументирайте, и давайте примери с предишната си работа. Не коментирайте повече, отколкото ви питат и отговаряйте само и единствено неща от гледна точка на изискванията на работното място с които предварително много добре сте се запознал(а)!
1. “Защо решихте да кандидатствате при нас?”
Грешен отговор: “Чух, че наемате и… реших да си пусна CV-то.”
Друг грешен подход е да кажете защото ми трябва работа… имам нужда от пари. Те знаят, че искате заплата, вместо това се дръжте така сякаш парите не са основното нещо. Помнете, че заплатата е в графа разходи на работодателя.
Тук се тества способността ви да се аргументирате. Изберете три (може и две) основни аргумента и ги пояснете. Например: “Защото съм завършил / имам интерес в…(образование свързано с позицията), Работил съм… (опит свързан с позицията) и имам интереси в… (областта на позицията)”.
Има голямо значение как казвате нещата. Трябва да говорите с тон, който е искрен. Не бъдете отегчени, изнервени, притеснени или изненадани. Дръжте се така сякаш очаквате въпроса и се радвате, че ви го задават. Говорете бавно и произнасяте правилно думите.
2 “Защо искате да работите за нашата компания?”
Грешен отговор:”Защото сте голяма компания и е престижно човек да работи за вас”
Като интервюиращ (работодател или HR), на такъв отговор от страна на интервюираният бих задал нов въпрос:”Ами British Airways също е известна компания там пуснахте ли си CV-то?”. Трябва да даете смислен отговор, ако искате да вземете работата. Кажете, че сте се запознали с финансовите отчети, че виждате перспектива или нещо подобно. Нека отговорът да звучи искрен а не клише.
3. Може ли да работите под стрес?
Когато ви зададат неудобен въпрос винаги може да се пошегувате с някоя смешка от рода на „да работя под стрес е нормалното ми състояние” или да отговорите сериозно като подкрепите отговора си с адекватни примери. Помислете за стресови преживявания на предишната си работа и просто обяснете на интервюиращия.
4. Ако бяхте животно кое бихте били?
Повечето хора биха отговорили „лъв, пума, тигър, акула… „ и тогава интервюиращият пита „И според вас какво е общото между Лъв и счетоводител?” Тоест, добре е да може да говорите за себе си и вашия психологичен портрет. Разновидност на този въпрос, който съм чувал е”Ако бяхте герой на LOST кой щяхте да бъдете?” Разбирате, че такъв тип въпроси могат да бъдат доста разнообразни. Важното е да съобразите отговора с длъжността, която се надявате да заемате. Няма нищо общо с любимото ви животно (аз харесвам акулите), а с това как изборът ви е свързан с работата.
5. Какво според вас е сексуален тормоз?
Не казвайте неща от рода на „Ела по-близо и ще рабереш”
Това е въпрос, който по принцип не би трябвало да ви зададат освен ако не искат да ви тестват наистина сериозно. Според мен е крайно неуместен
6. Употребявате ли алкохол и наркотици?
След кратък „размисъл” се отговаря: „„Не знаех, че трябва да избирам”. Това хвърля в смях събеседника ми и после казвам, че всъщност спортувам активно и ‘никога не съм палил цигара’.”
7. Коя е най-голямата ви слабост?
Основна цел на този въпрос е да ви злепостави, да даде на интервюиращия коз срещу самите вас. Този въпрос няма правилен отговор.
Ние сме хора и имаме слабости. Те знаят това. Сега питат за вашата. Вие имате слабости! Само трябва да кажете една от тях. Толкова ли е трудно? Въпросът тества вашата самонаблюдателност и самокритичност. Аз бих казал „Аз имам две основни, които съм забелязал през годините”-това винаги ги изненадва. И после си казвам две слабости. Когато говоря за слабостите си винаги съм спокоен и ентусиазиран. Искам да покажа, че не ме е страх от тях и работя за да ги преодолея.
Правилният подход при отговор на този коварен въпрос се състои в три точки:
a) Споделете слабост, която няма нищо общо с работата, за която кандидатствате.
b) Демонстрирайте вашето огромно желание и стремеж да подобрите вашите качества в “слабата” област.
c) Не изпадайте в подробности и не коментирайте повече, отколкото ви питат. Затворете темата колкото може по-бързо.
Изпитвам силна нервност, когато се налага да говоря пред много хора. Но чета книги по темата и мисля да започна да посещавам курсове по говорене пред публика, защото много бих искал да подобря тези свои умения и да преодолея страха си от публиката.
8. Как бихте се описали с три думи?
99.9% от кандидатите мислят 3-4 мин преди да кажат нещо необмислено. На всяко интервю питат нещо подобно. Защо никой не измисли нещо оригиналноза отговор. Когато са ми задавали този въпрос отговарям 2 секунди след въпроса. Отговарям така сякаш съм знаел въпроса преди пет години. Винаги се наслаждавам на изражението на интервюиращия. Това е важен въпрос. Думите, с които се описвате трябва да са свързани с позицията, за която кандидатствате
9. Как се виждате след пет години?
Този въпрос цели да установи дали планирате и имате визия. В този вид въпросът е много отворен и може да не отговорите дори конкретно за работата. Например „След пет години смятам да съм се справил със слабостите си (ако сте споменали две)”
Ако все пак искате да се задържите можете да му кажете, че за пет години има много фактори, които могат да се променят и е доста трудно да се даде отговор.
“Мечтата ми е да съм мениджър човешки ресурси във вашата компания”
10. Имате ли въпроси към мен?
Почти всяко интервю завършва с този въпрос. Вие трябва да имате въпроси. Това е вашият шанс да притиснете интервюиращия. Един много силен въпрос е “Сега, след като се запознахме, мислите ли, че бих могъл да се справя на тази длъжност?”
Отговаря се „имам” и питайте „Представете си, че една кола се движи по-бързо от скоростта на светлината … какво би се случило ако включите фаровете в този момент?”
HR казва, че не знае, че всъщност никога не е мислил за това. Аз станах бавно и казах … „знаете ли… не бих работил в компания, в която не знаят отговора на този въпрос” и си тръгнах!
11. “Колко бензиноколонки има в София?”
“А ти откъде знаеш”
“Броил съм ги”
12. “Кое е най-смелото нещо което бих направила за да впечатля комисията и да грабна работата.”
„Да стана и да си изляза”
Новите тенденции при подбор на кадри са да се разберат уменият на човека отнасящи се за позицията. Всичко друго можем да научим докато говорим за неговите умения.
13. “Каква заплата очакваш да получиш?” Как да отговоря на този въпрос? Ако кажа повече, ще отпадна, ако кажа по-малко ще загубя пари.
Винаги се отговаря заплатата, която искаш и смяташ че съотвества в момента на пазара на труда. Първоначално дори се отговаря, че всичко което според работодателя съотвества на текущото състояние на възнагражденията на пазара на труда и твоите умения с които се е запознал от CV - ще те задоволи.
Our Fight

Our fight

We Are White Hat Hackers
Definition: Hackers that use their hacking skills for good are referred to as "white hat" hackers. Often referred to as Ethical Hackers, these non-criminal hackers are hired by companies to examine and test the integrity of their systems. Other white hat hackers, operate without company permission by bending but not breaking the laws and int progress have created some very cool features.

White hat
The primary difference between white and black hat hackers is that a white hat hacker observes ethical principles. Like black hats, white hats are often intimately familiar with the internal details of security systems, and can delve into obscure machine code when needed to find a solution to a tricky problem. Some use the term grey hat and fewer use brown hat to describe someone's activities that cross between black and white.
In recent years the terms white hat and black hat have been applied to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry. Black hat SEO tactics, also called spamdexing, attempt unfairly to redirect search results to particular target pages, whereas white hat methods are generally approved by the search engines.
The Goals Of Our Fight:
- Promote free software, open source software and open standards in the State Administration (SA) of the Republic of Bulgaria and in other fields of the management, economics and households;
- Actually united companies dealing with development, integration and promotion of open source, free software and culture;
- Organize events and campaigns to promote the implementation of open source, free software, open standards and technologies;
- Cooperate with similar organizations for protection of the digital rights, software freedom and ideas;
- Participate in projects, researches and cooperative initiatives related to open source, free software and culture and for to the preservation of digital rights;
- Stimulate and promote open source or free software projects developed in Bulgaria;
- Assist small and medium enterprises in finding ways for open technological development.
Who is Who in the Computer Underground?
I define the computer underground as members of the following six groups. Sometimes I refer to the CU as "90s hackers" or "new hackers," as opposed to old hackers, who are hackers (old sense of the term) from the 60s who subscribed to the original Hacker Ethic. See below:
Hackers (Crackers, system intruders) - These are people who attempt to penetrate security systems on remote computers. This is the new sense of the term, whereas the old sense of the term simply referred to a person who was capable of creating hacks, or elegant, unusual, and unexpected uses of technology. Typical magazines (both print and online) read by hackers include 2600 and Iron Feather Journal.
Phreaks (Phone Phreakers, Blue Boxers) - These are people who attempt to use technology to explore and/or control the telephone system. Originally, this involved the use of "blue boxes" or tone generators, but as the phone company began using digital instead of electro-mechanical switches, the phreaks became more like hackers. Typical magazines read by Phreaks include Phrack, Line Noize, and New Fone Express.
Virus writers (also, creators of Trojans, worms, logic bombs) - These are people who write code which attempts to a) reproduce itself on other systems without authorization and b) often has a side effect, whether that be to display a message, play a prank, or trash a hard drive. Agents and spiders are essentially 'benevolent' virii, raising the question of how underground this activity really is. Typical magazines read by Virus writers include 40HEX.
Pirates - Piracy is sort of a non-technical matter. Originally, it involved breaking copy protection on software, and this activity was called "cracking." Nowadays, few software vendors use copy protection, but there are still various minor measures used to prevent the unauthorized duplication of software. Pirates devote themselves to thwarting these things and sharing commercial software freely with their friends. They usually read Pirate Newsletter and Pirate magazine.
Cypherpunks (cryptoanarchists) - Cypherpunks freely distribute the tools and methods for making use of strong encryption, which is basically unbreakable except by massive supercomputers. Because the NSA and FBI cannot break strong encryption (which is the basis of the PGP or Pretty Good Privacy), programs that employ it are classified as munitions, and distribution of algorithms that make use of it is a felony. Some cryptoanarchists advocate strong encryption as a tool to completely evade the State, by preventing any access whatsoever to financial or personal information. They typically read the Cypherpunks mailing list.
Anarchists - are committed to distributing illegal (or at least morally suspect) information, including but not limited to data on bombmaking, lockpicking, pornography, drug manufacturing, pirate radio, and cable and satellite TV piracy. In this parlance of the computer underground, anarchists are less likely to advocate the overthrow of government than the simple refusal to obey restrictions on distributing information. They tend to read Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC) and Activist Times Incorporated (ATI).
Cyberpunk - usually some combination of the above, plus interest in technological self-modification, science fiction of the Neuromancer genre, and interest in hardware hacking and "street tech." A youth subculture in its own right, with some overlaps with the "modern primitive" and "raver" subcultures.
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In trouble...

In trouble... look for the person in the white hat
White hat hackers are a group of people who believe it is their obligation to promote the fair and beneficial use of knowledge and technology.
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The term 'hacker' often refers to someone who uses computers, and many white hat hackers do. However, they also offer deep and broad expertise in other fields. White hat hackers come from many professions and can be lawyers, auto-mechanics, insurance salespeople, and of course doctors.
The white hat hacker is by no means perfect, yet it is understood that they are very good at what they do. What sets the white hat hacker apart from others is not how good their skills are, but their strong desire to do good with them.
They are certainly a talented, generous, and caring group of folks and it is my pleasure to manage this site for them to gather, relate, and exchange ideas.
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Consuer Privacy
Consuer Privacy
In recent years, advances in computer technology have made it possible for detailed information about people to be compiled and shared more easily and cheaply than ever. That has produced many benefits for society as a whole and individual consumers. For example, it is easier for law enforcement to track down criminals, for banks to prevent fraud, and for consumers to learn about new products and services, allowing them to make better-informed purchasing decisions. At the same time, as personal information becomes more accessible, each of us - companies, associations, government agencies, and consumers - must take precautions to protect against the misuse of our information.
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© Reporters sans frontières - 47, rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris - France
Bulgarian journalists and Internet-users demonstrated yesterday outside the Bulgarian Telecommunications Agency, in protest at an interior ministry decree forcing telecommunications operators and Internet access providers to keep all private electronic data, including date, time, numbers called, and Internet navigation history.“If the transcription of the European directive into national legislation is obligatory, we would like to point out to the Bulgarian authorities that it should be put into effect in a way that respects the EU’s fundamental rights charter”, the worldwide press freedom organisation said.
The press is concerned about possible abuse of such a law against a background which is generally unfavourable to press freedom and marked by often tense relations with police, who in 2007, harassed several bloggers who criticised building projects out of keeping with the environment. Tensions have also been fuelled by other press cases linked to the fight against corruption and organised crime.
The government decree is in response to an EU demand for the European directive of 15 March 2006 relating to the conservation and management of electronic data to be incorporated into the legislation of member states. But the procedures and conditions for access to the data are determined by each member state.
The Bulgarian government’s 7 January decree allows the police to monitor the activity of every Internet-user outside of the requirements of criminal investigations.
08.02 - Bulgarie : le décret portant sur la conservation des données électroniques privées inquiète la presse bulgare / 08.02 - Bulgaria: press concern over decree on conserving private electronic data
Une manifestation de journalistes et d’internautes bulgares s’est tenue le 7 février 2008 devant les bâtiments de l’Agence bulgare des télécommunications. Les manifestants entendaient protester contre la publication le 7 janvier d’un décret du ministère de l’Intérieur qui oblige les opérateurs de télécommunications et les fournisseurs d’accès à l’Internet à conserver un ensemble de données électroniques privées (date, heures, numéros d’appel, adresse IP, historique de navigation internet, etc.).
« Si la transcription dans les législations nationales de la directive européenne est obligatoire, nous rappelons aux autorités bulgares que sa mise en oeuvre doit se faire dans un cadre et une procédure respectueux de la charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne. Cette directive ne saurait en aucune manière justifier un contrôle permanent et renforcé des médias électroniques », a déclaré Reporters sans frontières.
La presse bulgare s’inquiète des abus possibles d’une telle loi dans un contexte général difficile pour la liberté de la presse, marqué par des relations souvent tendues avec les services de police. En 2007, ces derniers avaient intimidé plusieurs blogueurs qui critiquaient des projets immobiliers peu respectueux de l’environnement. D’autres affaires de presse liées à la lutte contre la corruption et le crime organisé ont également témoigné des tensions actuelles.
Le décret du gouvernement bulgare répond à l’obligation faite par l’Union européenne de transcrire dans toutes les législations des états membres la directive européenne du 15 mars 2006 relative à la conservation et à la gestion des données électroniques. Mais les procédures et les conditions à remplir pour avoir accès aux données conservées sont définies par chaque état membre.
Dans son décret du 7 janvier, le gouvernement bulgare permettait aux services de polices d’observer l’activité de chaque internaute en dehors des besoins liés à des enquêtes criminelles.
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Male, 35 years old
Veliko Tarnovo
Member since:
Feb 14, 2008
[Play Music] If your browser supports MIDI (thru Crescendo plug-in, etc.), and you have a sound card, you should hear a background song for this page.
Да служиш на хората, в името на доброто, е единствения начин да бъдеш жив. Думи, като "живот" и "живея", не означават просто "изминалите години". Всички сме гости на този свят и се надявам след време да бъда поканен отново, но този път ... в спомените на хората.
The leading beam of light in my stormy life is: To serve people, in the name of the good, is the only way to live. Words as "life" and "live" do not mean just "years". We are only guests in this world and I hope that I will be invited again,...this time in poeple's memory.
Ведущий луч света в моей бурной жизни есть: служить людей, в имени добро, является единственным способом жить. Слова как "жизнь" и "живой" не означают только "год ы". Все мы только гости в этом мире, и я надеюсь, что я буду приглашен снова... на той раз в памяти людей.
Der führend Strahl des Lichtes in meinem stürmischen Leben ist: der Leute zu dienen, im Namen ist gut, ist der einzigen Weise, zu leben. Die Wörter wie das "Leben" und "lebend" bedeuten nur die "Jahre" nicht. Alle wir zu Besuch sei in dieser Welt nur, und ich hoffe, daß werde ich wieder eingeladen sein... Darauf des Males in das Speicher der Leute.
Le conduisant de la lumière dans ma vie orageuse est : servir des gens, dans le nom est bon, est le seul moyen de vivre. Les mots comme la "vie" ne signifient pas seulement les années. Nous sois en visite seulement dans ce monde, et je compte, que je serai invité de nouveau... Pour cette fois à la mémoire des gens.
Summary: The President of PhotonSoft Ltd. Ex-military intelligence officer from Bulgarian army (radio-systems). Strong programmer/analyst with 10+ years professional software projects experience. Ability to adapt quickly in a team, learn and implement a variety of programming languages and environments. Ready to be a team and project leader and good partner in business, science and politics.
Technical skills
Programming languages C#.NET, P#.NET, T-SQL, MATLAB, AJAX, J2EE, ASP.NET, CSS, XML/XSL etc.
Application Servers
MS Windows 2003 Application Server
Operating Environments
NT/2000/XP/2003 Server, Linux SuSE, Novell DOS, MS-DOS, IOS (CISCO)
Development & Design tools
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, MATLAB v.6p5, Adobe Photoshop, Solid Edge
Bulgarian (native), English (spoken, written & technical terminology), Russian (spoken & written), German (spoken & written), Italian (business, spoken & written)
Driving license No
CCNA 4 WAN Techns Certificate of Course Completion #:244781-780487-1085837; EUROPE schools: first sertificate 1st June 1998; STANAG 6001 ser. a Nr. 002545 NMA "V. Levsky"
12.07.2006 – 12.07.07
(interrupted for financial reasons with no right to resume)
PhD Student, Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Dept. “Computer Science”, specialty subject number 01.01.12; protocol number № 42 / 05.07.2006 – Theme: Modelling of Learning Processes and Management of e-Learning Projects
Nov. 11, 2004 – Mar. 01, 2005
PORTELLUS Inc. USA – Project Management course
May 05, 2003
Vocational training ProSoft®, Sofia
March 13, 2003
Techns Certificate of Course Completion #:244781-780487-1085837
Sept. 2001- March 2003
St. Cyril and st. Methodios University of Veliko Turnovo, Faculty of Pedagogics, Department Computer Multimedia, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Sept. 1998- Sept. 2001
DOCTOR'S degree Phd of Digital Communications (3G modulations, 16DPSK coded modulation) NMI "Vasil Levsky"
1995 - 1998 EUROPE SCHOOLS- 01.06.1998г. The First Certificate Class of Pass Key (A)
Sept. 1990- Aug. 1995 Master's degree of Communications and Security technologies; National Military Institute "Vasil Levsky" V. Tarnovo
Sept. 1989- Aug. 1990
Specialized Secondary education- School of Mathematics, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria; Major field: Computer science
Sept. 1984- Aug. 1989 Secondary education- ESPU "Emilian Stanev", Veliko Turnovo
Professional experience
PhotonSoft Ltd. (president and owner) unique identification code 200097332
15.11.’07 - 28.02.’08
Stable Economics Progress Association "Initiative"; System and Networks Administrator
May, 5, 2006- Apr. 2007
Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarsky”; Department “Apply Science Activities”– Developer and Project Leader; Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, May, 5, 2006- Apr. 2007 /Project MI-203 National Science Fond - Ministry of Education and Science/
01.07.2005 – 16. 04.2007
IntelektI Ltd.; Bulgaria, Veliko Turnovo, Developer and Project Manager; web-based, Data driven dynamic software applications development that automate education and business processes
08.11 2004 - 01. 03 2005
IntelektI Ltd.; Bulgaria, Veliko Turnovo, Apart-time lecturer (programming environments)
08.11 2004 - 01. 03 2005
PORTELLUS Inc. Bulgaria – Project Manager; Senior Developer in Bulgarian department - business user-driven change management solutions; http://www.portellus.com/
29 May 2003- Sept. 2005
Software, Hardware and Web specialist PRITY Ltd., Liaskovets, Bulgaria
March 2003- May 2003
Hardware specialist- ProSoft®, Sofia
Aug. 2001- 05 March 2003
A company commander officer, military communications, National Military Institute "Vasil Levsky", Veliko Tarnovo
Aug. 2001- March 2003
A company commander officer, military communications, National Military Institute "Vasil Levsky", Veliko Tarnovo
Sept. 1998- Sept. 2001
Phd Student, National Military Institute "Vasil Levsky", Dept. “Digital Electronics and Communications” (3G modulations, 16DPSK coded modulation)
01 Oct. 1995- 31 Aug. 1998
A platoon commander- signals brigade of military communications- Nova Zagora
Sept. 1998- Sept. 2001
Phd Student, National Military Institute "Vasil Levsky", Dept. “Digital Electronics and Communications” (3G modulations, 16DPSK coded modulation)
01 Oct. 1995- 31 Aug. 1998
A platoon commander- signals brigade of military communications- Nova Zagora
Main Fields of Scientific Research
Programming, Data Basis, Cryptography, Neural Networks, Signals Processing, New Software Architectures, Conceptual Modeling, Server Technologies, Distance Learning, New methods and ICT in Distance Education
e-government- Multicipality X, 2003 – IT Inovations; Bulgarian Educational Site – Plovdiv Edu Expo 06
Professional and Scientific Awards
The world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology (Institute of Electrical and Elec-tronics Engineers, Inc.) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.)
"I'm happy that I had the opportunity to work in a team with StrongMind. He is very responsible person, good friend and professional. He is learning very quickly new technologies and produces high quality code. He is reliable contributor to the team and understands all phases of the development cycle. He works independently once direction is set. He usually is one of the key persons to the success of a product feature."
"It was a long time ago, but I still remember that Daniel was doing a GREAT job and was delivering all his tasks on time. Thanks StrongMind... "
"He was very good at mathematics, had a mathematical turn of mind. Especially with MATLAB, Mathcad etc. ... "
"We are pleased to inform you that Mr. StrongMind was a valuable member of our Web commerce & advertisement force for two years, from 2002 to 2004. During that time, he greatly helped with the building up of our sales both in Bulgaria and abroad, particularly in the UK. He made a number of useful contacts, and successfully concluded worthwhile deals for the company.
His human qualities and excellent command of English certainly helped him in setting up good relations with our clients in your country. He was thoroughly efficient programmer, honest and dynamic member of our staff. We were sorry to lose him when he left our company to go and live in the UK.
If you work with PhotonSoft Ltd. (now he is the president of the company) as a business partner, we are sure you will be satisfied with your choice."
Business, Politics, Science, Programming, Internet, Reading, Creationism, Mathematics, Astronomy, Culinary art, The fine arts etc.
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